Photograpy Elmira Azizova


PIANOSCAPES MYSTERIA, a full sensory experience based on Marynka's music, will be presented on November 23 2024 in Keizersgracht Church in Amsterdam. This performance is a part of the program of The Spirit of Amsterdam festival. 
Supported by the Wilhelmina E Jansen Fonds. 
Tickets and further information available via this link

New live recording
A recent audio recording of Marynka's live performance at the Keizersgracht Church in Amsterdam can be found here.  On this recording she plays grand piano, dulcitone and church organ.
'The way the artist plays with rhythm, accentuation and dynamics is no short of a work of genius and would be difficult to par with another living pianist we know of' 

'Marynka is a bit of mystic, but all claims aside Red Moon is an album where her on the spot creations were captured beautifully by the eight microphones that werd set up by producer and engineer Attie Bauw'
- Here Comes The Flood -

'Verstilde muziek die bij vlagen aan componisten zoals Arvo Part en Erik Satie doet denken' 
- Timpaan Muziek -

Moon | Gorky Park 
Concept Tatyana Ludanik & Katya Volkova (Moscow) 
Music Marynka Nicolai-Krylova (Amsterdam)  
Light Sergey Vasiliev (Moscow)
The Morning Mist 

New composition of the Dimension5 album

Objects are vague, soft, transparent, and weightless in the morning mist before they become outlined and concrete.

Yellow Rubber Boots

From the Dimension5 album.

Walking along the shore of the North Sea on a sunny day.

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